Un espacio para la re-flexión y re-construccion del rol masculino.





miércoles, 25 de junio de 2008

MASVAW - Men's Action for Stopping Violence against Women

Les reenviamos info que nos llegó sobre MASVAW, interesante red y campaña en India.
Se adjunta un documento
(mail y doc en inglés)
Saludos, EME.
 Save the Children Sweden, Regional Office for South and Central Asia
                          launches its report:
            Men's Action for Stopping Violence against Women
text Box:
This  is  a  documentation  of a campaign to end violence against women and
girls and to promote gender equality in India.
Men's  Action for Stopping Violence Against Women or MASVAW is a network of
over  175 individuals and 100 organisations, a member based campaign in the
Indian  State  of  Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. These men have decided to
bring  about  a  change  within  themselves and in other men to raise their
voice  against  traditional  patriarchal values and challenge stereotypical
notions of what it means to be a man.
MASVAW believes in public action, at the core of which is self change. Boys
and  men  raise  their  voices  against  violence  against women and gender
inequality  through agitations, campaigns, media reactions, public debates,
discussions,  workshops  and  seminars.  It works with the police, doctors,
lawyers,  boys  and  men in universities, schools and the media, supporting
them  to  form  groups  to  intervene  in  instances of violence within the
community,  provide  support to survivors and ensure that local schools and
colleges become violence-free zones.
MASVAW  has  an  informal structure, which gives it flexibility. Working at
different  levels,  in  cities  and villages, with different age groups and
classes,  has  broadened  its reach. MASVAW believes in involving boys at a
young  age,  influencing  them  with  values  of  gender  sensitivity  and
non-violence.  Girls and women also take part in the campaign, helping both
the sexes to learn about respectful relationships.  Supporting boys and men
in  this  journey  has  been  crucial. MASVAW has created an environment of
understanding and warmth, where boys and men can vent their emotions. Being
part  of  global  networks  on  working with boys and men to promote gender
equality  and  to end violence, such as MenEngage, has given the campaign a
global identity and international exposure.
Today,  MASVAW  is striving to be a learning network, by conducting regular
documentation,  monitoring  changes  and  evaluating  its  work.  Save  the
Children is supportive of MASVAW's initiatives of involving boys at a young
age  to  address violence against girls and boys and gender equality. It is
with  this  belief Save the Children has supported the production of a film
Changing  the  Course  and  documentation of the MASVAW's (Men's Action for
Stopping Violence Against Women) campaign in India.
We are pleased to share the document with you with the hope that this
documentation will help to strengthen partnership towards addressing
violence against girls and boys.
The softcopy of the report is attached.
()Text Box:  Changing the Course
A  film  on  men  and  boys'  initiatives  for gender equality and stopping
The  film  captures  MASVAW's core activities, various tools adopted in the
campaign, its strengths and challenges, in working towards gender equality.

To order the DVD please write to:
Karna Maharjan (karnam@sca.savethechildren.se, Regional Technical Programme
Communication Officer
The DVD is free of cost. Kindly pay for postage.

De: 16days_discussion-bounces@email.rutgers.edu [mailto:16days_discussion-bounces@email.rutgers.edu] En nombre de Ravi Karkara
Enviado el: Lunes, 23 de Junio de 2008 9:38
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